July 2018
Mary Mediatrix Medical CenterAdmitting Office, located at the main lobby of MMMCOn-the-Job-Training (OJT)
From July 2, 2018 - July 26, 2018 I had the experience of working in the hospital within the industrial setting. For your information, (hope I don't sound like a brainiac, just want people to be aware) a hospital does not run only by nurses and doctors. There are a lot of people behind the scenes. The industrial setting is mainly composed of employees in the offices who work on patients medical records and billings.
On my first day, it was a shocker. There were about five people talking at the same time. Some inquiring, complaining, explaining, and lots more. I expected a quiet administrative office life, but you don't always get what you want. About 30 people come in the office every six hours, and attending all their needs is our job there.
It took me a while to understand the process there, I admit I wasn't the best kind of employee a boss would hire. It took me about a week to finally do things without much supervision. Honestly, I was afraid talking to the patients/representatives because it is literally their life and health at stake.
At some point of working there, I learned to accept the situation and that I certainly had to face the people. I saw from their point, that they needed the support and assurance from us giving their situation of having a loved one in the hospital. I realized that this office job might not be my dream job, but it was interesting. And not the interesting field work way, but because I saw all sorts of emotions there. One day a man is smiling for their first born baby yet not all days are like that, sometimes there would be an lady crying her heart out for her brother is at a critical state.
From a different perspectiveThe office, as my very first ever job experience really pushed me. I noticed I have been talking more than usual as I come home with a slightly sore throat. My supervisor and co-staff treated me there fairly as a real employee and a student. It was pretty difficult yo face these realities but it was worth it.
And just like that, a month had already passed. It felt pretty weird saying good-bye in such a short time. On my last day, it was stormy but it was good. It was the celebration of the 60 years of the small clinic to the grand hospital.
Mary Mediatrix Medical CenterAnd fresh from the experience here are 5 tips for a productive OJT.
- Research - Before you enter any job, its good to have a bit of background and knowledge of the area. If that means looking up words in the dictionary, then so be it.
- Be on time and dress properly. If you had a dress code like I did at school, then make use of that. It wasn't implemented for you to suffer, it was there for practice, because in a corporate world, a pleasing appearance is a must. And please be on time.
- There is a limit to everything, unless you plan on continuing to work there after graduation. But if so, still you must learn as much. Observe, apply, question, and while at it- feel it. These are great opportunities to learn things from a different point.
- Greetings - One solid lesson I learned there, was how to approach people. A simple greeting, "Good Morning", "Good Afternoon", and "Good Evening". Can change the whole direction of the conversation.
- Treat everyone with respect. You may have a supervisor who'd like to treat you as a friend, and you should too, just don't forget to still be respectful. This is the same for everyone else you will meet along the way, the strangers, the janitors, the guards, other offices, and even yourself.
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