Robinson's Place Lipa
August 24, 2018
And while waiting and watching these people run into the back entrance of the vehicles, I've come to realize five extreme scenarios during rush hour.
August 24, 2018
People waiting for jeepneys to arrive around 7 pmThat time I just couldn't wait to get home. The long day at school will be rewarded with the warm atmosphere of the house. Maybe, everyone else was thinking the same for there were tons of people aligned at the un/loading area near the mall. The number of passengers versus the jeeps available was not proportioned. The jeeps were in demand. Although, five jeeps had already passed I was afraid at first to ride on because it might be the wrong jeep. (Like when I had OJT and I rode on the wrong jeep and ended up walking the longer way to the house.) Plus, there was a stampede and I was just waiting for the right moment to dash inside a jeep and occupy a comfortable spot.
And while waiting and watching these people run into the back entrance of the vehicles, I've come to realize five extreme scenarios during rush hour.
- Sometimes a jeep will stop in the middle of the road, and no that won't even stop the people from running towards it.
- The barker would shout "There's room for two more!" Then once inside you realize there is no decent space and so exit the area with a failed attempt.
- But not all are bad experiences, there are times when a jeepney driver although wanting to get home right away (just as bad as the passengers do) make way to crowd and allow them to ride on. In some cases, not even asking for payment.
- The moment a jeep arrives, and all the people run. It's like they are all hungry zombies looking for brains.
- And though, it's like all survival of the fittest, there are times that people give way - especially for the elderly and the pregnant. There is much respect shown when they climb inside, they give space and lend a hand.
At times, rush hour can be frustrating and annoying as you wait for an hour and yet its still amusing. It's somewhat satisfying to see them run.
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