Service Captured

November 19, 2018
Mabini Building

National Service and Training Program - Lingkod Lasalyano (NSTP-LL) conducted a photo contest encouraging students to share precious moments of service in action. Luckily I had a few pictures from the last community involvement at the Aeta community which was also brought by the organization NSTP-LL. More can be read here*

I was hesitant to join this contest because I knew that I lacked the qualities of a good photographer, even when I take photos of everything. But as I was composing the description, something struck me- Service is a calling. I looked at the children smiling and I thought of the reasons behind the smile. No they weren't smiling because of the camera but rather they felt joy. I realized this might be the way for other people to see the reasons why people continue to volunteer. When the efforts are reflected with the greatest smiles, that what keep's one motivated to continue.

My own definition of a Volunteer
  1. Someone who willingly serves, even when there is nothing in return.
  2. Someone who has a heart, a mind, a body, and a soul.
  3. Someone who is ready to give a piece to another.

I was told that only a few joined but still I am happy to say that with some luck, I won second place. I hope that people will continue to see the beauty in life, and one way is by involving oneself in the

Here is the photo I submitted.

Token given to the recognized photos.

NSTP-LL is a socio-civic organization that caters on  service to the community. It branches out of the course taken by every Filipino college student NSTP- which automatically entails you as a member of the organization.


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