100th Day as a 51Talk Teacher
December 2020, I ventured to the path of online teaching. It was something that I thought through and through before I applied. There were many things to consider before making the final decision but with the help of the internet and fellow bloggers and vloggers, they gave me a glimpse into what to expect in the process and what a day would be like. And with that I hope this will also provide an insight to future e-educators.
1. Technical
As a home-based job, having the right equipment is the backbone of the work. Having a computer with the specifications provided, a headset, and fast internet connection. These are the most needed and yet also the most difficult if you do not have it already. It is an investment that you will have to risk. I had to purchase the noise canceling headset, an external web camera, a USB hub, and a LAN to USB plug. I managed to scavenge a computer headset and a web camera from years before, unfortunately these were outdated and not so compatible to the newer computer model that I had. So, patiently I waited for the delivery to arrive. If you plan on applying but are somewhat hesitant to the results of the application, you can borrow from people you know that have these equipment.
2. Credentials
The job is a legit as can be, it requires to provide a proof of graduation from a 4 year bachelors degree, an NBI clearance, and a bank account. Since the closest NBI center from the area where I reside is several kilometers away taking 4 hour hours of travel, I had to schedule carefully and maximize that day having an appointment for PRC on the same day too. Luckily, the two offices were not far off from each other, so once I was done with PRC I would walk to the the next center. One thing to be noted for out of house arrangements especially during the pandemic is to have and secure all requirements, documents, and payments so the processes will flow smoothly. I've seen the other wait in the long line under the heat of the sun, wearing face masks and face shields, only to be dismissed until they gather the needed.
3. Expectations
This is not actually a requirement, but it is something that you cannot leave behind. With the power of the internet, I was able to read articles, personal blogs, reviews and recommendations, and how to's. In addition, the videos available to watch on YouTube were the greatest help. With this certain amount of research I was able to set a certain kind of bar. Having plans A-Z does not mean you already give up before it started, but it gives you a safety net in case the first plan is not successful.
If you want to take part in this community, and you have these requirements you can try applying here. I want to try it too! You may also contact me and I will guide you along the way. But if you still need a little more information before joining, wait for my next post. I will be laying out some more details.
For now, this is Jokaly K-jala, and I was Just saying.
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